07 – 09-04-17: Horst Geicke and the German Ambassador in Hong Kong, Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff at the Hong Kong Sevens, one of the best known rugby tournaments.
Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff (far right) and Horst Geicke (middle):
An excerpt from Wikipedia:
The Hong Kong Sevens (Chinese: 香港國際七人欖球賽) is considered the premier tournament on the World Rugby Sevens Series competition. The Hong Kong Sevens is currently the seventh tournament on the World Series calendar (following the Canada Sevens), and is held annually in Hong Kong on a weekend in late March or early April. The tournament spans three days, beginning on a Friday and concluding on Sunday. The tournament is organised each year by the Hong Kong Rugby Union (HKRU).
For further information on this topic, please visit the official Hong Kong Sevens site: